A performance-focused partnership.

Online or in-person.

What we offer:

We coach leaders at all levels and work to the ICF’s code of ethics. Founder, Ben is both an ICF and Gallup certified coach.

We train leadership teams, management cohorts, HR departments, and whole organisations.

Not sure where to begin? Bring us in for consultancy support. We’ll help your humans measure up.

Accredited training and psychometrics.

Quality, evidenced-based experiences.

As instructor members of Mental Health First Aid England, we can deliver your half-day, full-day, and two-day programmes.

On our leadership and coaching programmes, we use best-in-class psychometrics to give you evidenced-based data and insights.

Founder Ben is a registered test user with the British Psychological Society and accredited in Hogan, and Gallup’s CliftonStrengths.